Tuesday, 18 October 2016
The Canadian Women’s Foundation and advertising agency Havas have joined forces to help strengthen girls’ confidence through #GirlPowered, a national campaign that empowers girls to challenge limiting stereotypes and sexist messages in advertising by using their voices. This campaign was created on the premise that every day girls are faced with advertising telling them how to think, dress and act. These constant reminders can affect their mental health – girls aged 9 to 13 experience a sharp decline in confidence and higher rates of depression than younger girls. The campaign features a powerful video of several girls creating a #GirlPowered message and having it displayed to their surprise in real-time on a jumbo screen in Yonge-Dundas Square. To ensure that other girls have the same experience, young women across Canada can go to girlpowered.ca and create their own positive #GirlPowered message and share it on social media. Seeing these words amplified to the world demonstrates that each girl’s voice matters.